Saturday, August 31, 2024

August Events

Some other things that happened this month that we wanted to document.

  • Cass and I celebrated our 19th anniversary! We went to the new Orem temple and then to eat at Maria Bonita's. I can't believe its been 19 amazing years. We have been so blessed with a wonderful life and 4 amazing sons. I see some of the other challenges that other couples are facing, and I am so grateful for an amazing, fun, spiritual, babe for a partner who keeps me grounded and keeps us pointed in the right direction.
  • It was finally McCoy's turn to get to attend FSY at BYU with Brox Barron. They had a great time and plan to go together again next Summer. McCoy said he felt the spirit and his testimony grow so much!
  • The Summer Olympics have been happening in Paris, the TV has been on constantly. We can't get enough!! Utah gets to host the Winter Olympics in 2034!!! Our family will look alot different then. Cass wore her sweater from when Utah hosted in 2002. Can't wait!!
  • Cass had a couple of fun adventures with Marsh and Quaid.
    • They went out to Fat Cats to mini golf
    • They went to HeeHaws. They were supposed to be open, but it was completely empty. They had the place to themselves to run all over the place and see the animals. Super odd, but super awesome. 
  • I hiked up to Silver Lake Glance with Abe and Matt Peterson. Matt Lived next to Abe when we were growing up and recently moved back here from Texas and built a house next to my parents. We are excited to have him join us in more adventures. 


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