Tuesday, December 31, 2024

And thats a wrap!


2024 has come to an end. What a great year! Look how far we've come! All 4 of our boys are in school now. We have a driver. Bridger and McCoy have perfect grades in school so far this year! We have another baptized member in our family! The bald spot on my head continues to expand, and somehow Cassidy still looks as young as ever. We only have a couple more years where we're all together before things really start to change for our family. I'm grateful for this blog/journal to capture the moments as they fly by so we can remember them and treasure them forever. I hope you boys can remember the fun times we have, and the value we try to place on being together and enjoying life. 

In church, we studied the Book of Mormon this year. We've had a lot of good talks about what we've been learning and talked about in church. The youth ended the year with a 2 day Book of Mormon activity- Similar to what Cass pushed for a couple of years ago. While some of it was repetitive for Bridger and McCoy, It was still a very positive experience for the youth and I'm thankful to live in a ward where we can all come together and learn of Christ. It was fantastic to spend the year studying the Book of Mormon.

We celebrated the 31st with my parents coming over to have a thanksgiving style meal for my birthday. Cass made a Bluey inspired pavlova for our treat. We also got together with some of our friends for dinner.

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